My earliest memories were working in the kitchen alongside my Mom, baking and cooking. I would always be helping with the measuring, mixing and of course, the tasting! Did anyone else ever ask to lick the beaters? 😊
I will never forget my 6th Birthday when I received my mini bake oven. Finally, I was able to mix, bake and create my own cakes! I practiced over and over, building and decorating double layer cakes. I would then present them to my family for dinner and we would cut that little tiny “lightbulb” baked cake into 6 pieces. We each savoured every little bite.
So it’s no wonder, that working as a Chef for over 30 years, I always specialized in desserts. This has just always been my passion.
When I purchased Stonehouse Teas almost 8 years ago, baking and desserts were a very small part of the day: we offered just a small menu with a few items to enjoy with your tea. We had such a very small kitchen and small display area with no refrigeration, I couldn’t expand that part of Stonehouse.
After designing the kitchen though, it was time to put together a baking team– there was no way I would be able to do the baking and run everything for Stonehouse. I was so excited when Kathy joined us– she’s an amazing Pastry Chef and friend. Then Gina joined, which was amazing because she’s a past student of mine. Now with Jen, the team is all set!
You can see that our desserts are constantly changing– it’s because I love the creativity that comes with creating a new delicious cake or other sweet. So as we approach Mother’s Day, I thought I’d say thanks to my Mom, who was the first member of my first baking team. Rest assured, I don’t lick the beaters anymore, but she really helped to teach me a lot about baking and being in a kitchen. Thanks Mom, I looking forward to seeing you for Mother’s Day!